Welcome to the real world.....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Not much to say tonight. I've been kind of down in the dumps today. I want to go and see my parents for Labor Day, but I know I need to be saving my vacation time for when we move. And Miles said something today that bothered me.

I told him that I was going to be training my co-worker how to do part of my job while I was gone. He knows that she is kind of buddies with the office manager. He says...

"She's taking your job, you're getting fired!"

Now before he said that the thought had never entered my mind. I think I do pretty well at work. I revamped their collections process and I always makie sure payments are entered into the system in a timely fashion, within 2 days of when they arrived at our office.

But his comment made me feel like I shouldn't be taking any time off at all, like I should be staying at work to protect my job. I'm sure there is nothing to be worried about, but I needed support, not a crappy comment.

Anyone else ever have days like this?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

So we looked at a bunch of houses this weekend. We saw one that we really liked. It has 2 bedrooms, although there is plenty of space to add a third bedroom downstairs, as the downstairs is completely finished. If this house is still on the market when we are ready to make an offer, we are definitely putting in an offer on this house.

Today my aunt and uncle came up to visit us. She has been receiving treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, which is about 2 hours southwest of us. So they came up today and had lunch with us. After that, we visited the Leinie's Brewery. Miles and I have been on this tour before, but it's always fun. They give you two free samples of beer, which is always enjoyable. Today, though, there was an annoying kid on the tour with us. He was bothering the guide a lot. At one point in the tour, they show you glass jars of hops and barley. This kid was just standing in front of the display. The guide actually had to ask him to get out of the way so that everyone could see. But we still had fun on the tour.

I always enjoy when family comes to visit. So far, my parents have only been up here a few times. Loyal readers, you all are always welcome at our home. We'll take you on a brewery tour too!

Monday, August 14, 2006

So we are still in the process of the house hunt. We are having a bit of a disagreement. Miles has made an appointment with a realtor tomorrow night to look at a house we have been interested in, but he keeps saying we are not going to buy right now.

My feeling is, why waste the realtor's time as well as our own if we're not going to buy right now? Realtors are very busy people and it is unfair for them to take time out of their evening if you know you are not ready to make an offer. On the other hand, it is a good idea to see what you can afford and know what to expect.

What does everyone else think?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

So Miles is out of town this weekend at a golf tournament, and he took Emily with him to spend the night at Grandma's house. So I took myself to a movie.

I saw "World Trade Center." For those of you looking for a happy go lucky time at the movies, this is not the flick you want to see. But if you are looking for a poignant, moving film, definitely go.

When I heard Oliver Stone was directing this movie, I immediately assumed there was going to some sort of political agenda. Boy, was I wrong. What Oliver Stone has done is told an extremely moving tale about 2 Port Authority Police Officers trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center. When the movie depicts the first tower falling, you actually feel as if you were there. I guess when I've always thought about the buildings coming down, I never really imagined what it must have been like to be in the building. I felt frightened and claustrophobic all at the same time.

For a little while after the movie was over, I felt the same way I felt on 9/11. Kind of numb, not really sure what was going on. Some people have said it's too soon to be making movies about 9/11. After seeing "World Trade Center," I don't think it's too soon. I think that we've gotten a little non-chalant about that day. We need movies like this to help us remember what happened that day and how we were able to pull through. We need to remember how we all came together in the aftermath, how we were a united front.

All in all, I really think that although it wasn't the best time I've ever had at the movies, it was definitely 2 of the most well-spent hours I've ever had there.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

So a friend of mine recently posted on his blog about how if you work hard enough and apply yourself, you can get ahead in America. Some people think this is unfair, that they should just be given things that others work hard to achieve.

When my dad was younger, he came from nothing. He worked hard all his life and made a pretty good life for himself. He is a classic example of how if you work hard enough, you really can achieve the things you want, but you have to be willing to apply yourself.

Some people at work have a different view. They think that it's a "rich world," and that if you're not rich, you're not given the same opportunity that wealthier people are. To me, this is simply not true. Even if you're not born into wealth, you can work hard and apply yourself and you too will come out ahead. If someone just gives you something, you're not going to appreciate it the same as if you worked really hard for it.

And everyone in America has the same chance to suceed. It's just whether or not you take that chance and run with it, or if you sit on your butt and complain about your lot in life. If you choose to sit on your butt, nothing will ever happen for you.

If you, however, choose to make the most out of your opportunity for success, you will be rewarded. Maybe not monetarily, but with the satisfaction of knowing that you achieved somehting all on your own.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Tonight's topic.....Sex and the City.

I am talking about the actual show. For those of you who don't know, Sex and the City is one of my favorite shows. It reminds me of when I used to go out with my girlfriends on a regular basis. Yes, women really do talk like that. I know that some people find the show a little vulgar or racy, but I like it.

I always considered myself more of a Charlotte. She was always very proper and put together. She had her hang ups, but she could be a ball of fire. She was a little sparkplug. I'd love to actually look like her and have her great Park Avenue apartment, but that's probably never going to happen.

What I liked most about the show was seeing the camraderie between the 4 women. In Kansas, I used to have a group of girls that I would get together with on a semi-regular basis. I really don't have that here, and it makes me a little sad. Sure, I love spending time with my family, but every once in a while I need some girl time!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I swear, some days I feel like I never stop. After work today, I went to the gym and worked out for an hour. After I came home I ate a quick dinner, took a shower, and then did dishes and threw in a load of laundry. After that I washed the floors. Man, I am tired!

So.....work has been interesting. Before "Crazy" came to work, the working environment was pleasant. Everyone got along and did their own thing. Once she started working there, we all seem to be more tense. Yesterday, she was working on a report. She found a payment that needed to applied to the account, so she gives me the information. She then puts the file on my desk. I apply the payment and try to give the folder back to her. She says "Oh, I'm done with it. You can put it away."

I look at her and say, "But you got it out, you should put it away." (Note: I also have said this exact same thing to my 3 year old).

She looks at me like I have 3 heads. I can feel my blood beginning to boil, so to avoid a messy disagreement, I put the folder away. I know that I shouldn't have, but we have a small office and sometimes you have to just save face.

I know it seems like I put her down a lot, but I still find it hard to believe that one person can be that lazy and that rude. Every time I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, she does something else I just can't believe. But I have decided to try killing her with kindness. I figure if I'm as sweet as pie, she cannot have anything to complain about.

Thanks for indulging me, all. It's nice to have people who will let you step on a soapbox every once in a while.