Welcome to the real world.....

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

We got some good news today...

we are officially approved for a mortgage. Not just pre-approved, but approved! The bank has let us know that they are waiting on us.

We spent the weekend at my parents' house. It was a pretty good time. We went to the zoo on Sunday. It was Em's first trip to the zoo. She had a great time looking at all the animals. I'm glad I could share that experience with her. I always enjoyed going to the Sedgwick County Zoo when I was little, and I'm glad that she got to go as well. It really is a nice zoo for Wichita.

Most of you know that my mom generally does not cook. She's not a bad cook, she just doesn't do it that often. Well, over the weekend, she cooked for us. You've got to love her for trying. Saturday she made a meatloaf. A 3 pound meatloaf. The thing took 2 hours to cook. Apparently she forgot that the tomato paste she added would make the meat red. And she added the sauce topping about 45 minutes before she finally took the meat out, so that was kind of chewy. But you have to applaud the effort anyway.

My grandmother, her mother, was an excellent cook. I figure the cooking gene must skip a generation in my family. If that's the case, Emily has no hope!


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