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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Today's topic......Calories or Carbs?

Most of us at work are trying to lose weight and be healthier. Yesterday we got into a discussion about whether the best diets are the ones where you count calories or the ones where you count carbs. I am following the method of counting calories, and 50 lbs lost, I'd say it's working pretty well. Another lady at work is also counting calories. She's lost around 20 lbs.

Another girl at work is also trying to lose weight, and she is counting carbs. She says that she has lost a lot of weight doing this. Personally, I haven't noticed any difference in her weight at all. She says that as long as she doesn't eat too many carbs per day, she can continue to eat junk because it's "low in carbs."

I disagree. Bottom line, if you don't burn off more calories than you take in each day, you will not lose weight. Yeah, you can watch your carbs, but if you are eating 3,000 calories per day, you are not going to lose anything. Plain and simple. Keep in mind, this girl continues to eat fast food and pizza, all the while claiming that she's dieting.

I should mention that while I'm not necessarily watching carbs, I avoid white bread, white potatoes, and white rice. I suppose all those things are carbs, but I do still eat whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and dairy, which has a few carbs.

My feeling is, the key to losing weight and keeping it off is to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Faithful readers, what is your opinion? Calories or carbs?


  • At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think it depends on the person. Whatever works best for you keeep doing it. Looks like counting calories workds best for you. You look GREAT, I hope you can keep it up!

    Many, many moons ago I lost a lot of weight. I did it by counting calories. At first it was a drag, but once you get used to it, it isn't so bad. I need to get back at it.

    How many calories a day do you allow yourself?

    your mother-in-law

  • At 11:30 AM, Blogger To Be Announced said…

    Thanks for that comment on my blog a few weeks ago! I am on a low-carb diet right now, but that doesn't mean I eat high fat food either. Healthy eating and exercise are definitely key!


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