Welcome to the real world.....

Friday, July 14, 2006

We have had a fun couple of days.

Wednesday night Miles's brother Dan came up to stay the night with us. Yesterday Dan, Miles, Emily, and myself headed out for LaCrosse to attend the Packers Tailgate party. The first stop was the City Brewery in LaCrosse. That was a fun tour...except for visting the brewhouse. Before we went in, the tour guide said it was pretty hot in the building. I guess I didn't believe how hot it was. When we went into the building, there was a thermometer that told us the INDOOR temperature was 101 degrees. Yep, that's right, 101. Eeek! Thankfully, we left that building pretty quickly. The rest of the tour was pretty interesting, and at the end we got to sample 6 different kinds of beer. Always a good thing.

The next stop was, of course, the Packer Tailgate party. Only in Wisconsin would people stand out in 100 degree weather to meet a couple of football players. But it was a pretty good time. We got to meet Rob Davis, Bubba Franks, Donald Driver, and Bob Harlan, the Packers president. Bubba stopped to pose for a couple of pictures with Miles and Dan. There was also a great question and answer session with the players where we got to know them a little. All three of them seemed to be pretty good guys. Emily actually got on TV. A local news crew was there filming and asked her to say "GO PACKERS!!" for the camera. We watched the late news last night and lo and behold, there she was! A TV star in the making!

After the party, we went back to the hotel and went swimming. The hotel we stayed at had an indoor waterpark which Emily LOVED. She went down the giant water slide several times with both Miles and Dan, giggling all the way. It was extremely difficult getting her away from the pool. We all enjoyed it immensely.

It was defintely a fun getaway. I think Miles and I both agreed we need to do more things like that. It's hard when real life gets in the way. Work, working out, paying bills, all that stuff can take over, and family life gets pushed to the back burner. From now on, we are going to make it a point to spend more time with each other and with Emily.

Well, it's late and I'm tired. See you all soon!


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