Welcome to the real world.....

Monday, July 10, 2006

Right now I'm watching my favorite show on HGTV......House Hunters.

Why do I love this show so much? I'm not sure. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, the premise is that people are looking for houses and their realtors take them around to different houses for sale. On the surface, it doesn't sound that exciting. But for some reason, it is truly entertaining. I think it's the voyeuristic nature of the human being. We want to see how other people live, and since society frowns upon us just walking into others' homes, this show gives your the next best option. I also like watching the show to get an idea of what type of home I like.

Really, I can "blame" my parents for a lot of this house hunting trait. Their favorite thing to do is go look at houses. I always remember when I was little, going to the yearly Parade of Homes. Back then, I never understood the attraction. Now, I know what they were talking about.

I actually have a funny story about my parents' love of looking at houses. It's not just the finished ones they like looking at, it is also the unfinished ones. One time, they pulled up to an unfinished home. My grandma and I stayed in the car while they poked around. While they were inside looking around, the owner of the house pulled up!!! My grandma and I didn't know what to do. Thankfully, the owners of the house were cool about it and actually showed my parents around. What could have been a sticky situation turned out okay.

Well, I'm going to get back to my voyeuristic show now. Do any of my faithful readers share my weird hobby?


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