Welcome to the real world.....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Today was a fun day.

In the morning, Miles and I went to look at some open houses. We are trying to get an idea of what types of homes are in our price range, and what we are looking for. We are finding some real possibilities. We are also finding that whatever we buy will probably take some work. It's not something we mind doing, we just don't want to have to start from scratch. We are just excited by the fact that within a year, we will own a home. It is something we have waited so long for, it's unreal to think it is so near. We know we won't be buying a brand new home, we just want something to call our own, something we can put our own stamp on.

After that was done, Emily and I went to the 4th annual Knoebel Crabfest. Miles's cousin, Jay, hosts the event every year at his house. He gets the big turkey fryers and fills them with water. Everyone brings their own crab legs and you just dig in! My mother in law, her sister and family, and myself went in on some good quality crab. I definitely ate my money's worth.


  • At 9:57 AM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    Mmmm. Crab.

    I can't wait to finally buy a house. I expect we'll do it in 2 or 3 years. Congrats! That's exciting!


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