Welcome to the real world.....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Miles and I had a very exciting evening. We went to a weight loss symposium given by one of the local hospitals. The featured speaker was Matt Hoover. Matt was the winner of the "Biggest Loser" last season on NBC. For those of you that don't know, Matt is a real inspiration to both of us, Miles especially, and is a lot of the reason we decided to start on this weight loss journey. Matt was a wrestler, like Miles, and I think Miles sees a lot of himself in Matt. Matt started out weighing 339 lbs and was 182 pounds when he won. He weighs about 230 now.

He had a lot of interesting things to say. He talked about what weight loss strategies worked for him and how he stayed on track. He also had a lot of funny antecdotes. My favorite was when he was talking about a friend who came up to him in a bar not long after he was on the show. The friend says, "When are you going to be done with this show? I liked you better when you were drunk and fat!"

Matt looks at the guy and says "I liked YOU better when I was drunk and fat!"

One of the most exciting parts of the evening was before the presentation. Miles hadn't gotten there yet, and I was just sitting and waiting for him. One of the gals who was running the presentation points to me and says "Come with me." We go out into the hallway, and I see Miles. He joins us. She takes us into a smaller conference room. We actually got to meet Matt! He congratulated us on our recent weight loss and gave us a couple of diet and exercise tips. He is such a personable guy. I liked him right away and wished we could have gotten to spend more time with him.

I am really motivated now. I can't wait to get to the gym tomorrow!


  • At 6:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    YAY Tiffy & Miles!!
    I've been trying to lose some weight too, I need to make time to exercise, but I think I'm going to take that on after I graduate. For now though I've been eating really healthy. I know that alone won't make me lose weight but it's weird how I already feel healthier.
    You guys are doing a greatjob, keep it up, a lot of people are proud of you.


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