Welcome to the real world.....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Today's topic: Celebrities.

I will be the first to admit that I love hearing about celebrities. I read People magazine on a regular basis, I enjoy watching E! News. Lately, though, I think I'm becoming disenchanted with celebrities. Tom Cruise used to be one of my favorite actors....then he started thinking that he needed to convert all of us to his "religion," Scientology. He was all over, jumping on couches on Oprah, and telling Matt Lauer that Matt doesn't know the history of Pysichiatry, Tom does. He had a feud with Brooke Shields because she took drugs for post partum depression. He said she should have gone out and excercised. I am fairly certain Tom Cruise has never been a woman, and post partum depression is something he will never experience.

But it's not only Tom Cruise. It is a lot of celebrities. They claim they just want to be left alone when they go out in public, that they just want to live a normal life. Here's what I think....if you choose to become an actor, you need to be prepared for the glut of fame that comes along with it. Nobody forced you to become an actor. If you are famous, and you go out in public, you have to expect a certain amount of scrutiny.

One final word....I also see a lot of celebrities pushing their political agendas onto the public. Your job is to entertain us, not to run for office. Shut up and make me laugh.


  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    in response to your comment on my page...
    I had to start an account to comment on your blog anyways so sooooory! :P

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    Yeah! People who don't put the ketchup away will burn in H... nevermind.


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