Welcome to the real world.....

Monday, April 03, 2006

Work was crap today.

I work in a very small office (there are only 10 of us). I am the youngest person in the office, at almost 29. We recently acquired a new computer system, and it has been extremely stressful trying to get that up and going while also still performing our every day functions.

One girl I work with is causing all of us even more stress. This girl is probably the most socially inept person I have ever met. She will just say things without even thinking about how it might affect the person she is saying it to. To give you a little background, for Christmas the owner of the company buys everyone dinner at a very posh restaurant. This girl, we'll call her "Crazy," orders the most expensive steak on the menu, a 32 oz. Porterhouse. She only finished about 1/2 of it. Crazy then proceeds to order dessert. Later, the boss handed out the Christmas bonus envelopes. Not everyone receives the same amount. Crazy starts to open hers right at the table.

Anyway, this girl has been driving all of us nuts. She refuses to take on any additional assignments, but gets upset with you if you don't have time to stop and answer her questions. And because she didn't pay attention when we were going through training for the new system, she has lots of questions. She's always looking for ways to get others to do her work. Today, I was diligently working when she started in with her questions. I tried to explain to her that I really didn't have time to stop, but she persisted. Of course, I end up looking like the bad guy because I didn't stop to help her. However, last time she asked me a question, I gave her the correct answer, but the correct answer made her look bad, so she snapped at me.

This is probably more frustrating because there are only 10 of us in the office. Oftentimes, we refer to ourselves as a disfunctional family. It's hard because we all have to at least get along for 8 hours a day. There isn't anywhere you can go to get away.

Dang, I need a vacation!

Also, we found out that my sister in law is in the hospital. She should be okay, but keep her in your thoughts. We are bringing her some hotdish on Saturday. GET WELL SOON ERICA!!


  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    yeah, I JUST found out about Erica at like 8pm when Bryan called me... no one tells me these things! He said she should be coming home tomorrow so that's good. Your blogs are interesting, my days are so routine!

  • At 7:17 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    I'm sorry I didn't introduce you and Miles on my blog. Sue me.

    I got a random, awesome email from Matt Yoho that made me almost cry, so that's why I introduced him. I'll try to get you in next... ;-)


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