Welcome to the real world.....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Well, this weekend I cleaned my house top to bottom. We are getting ready for Emily's birthday party next weekend. My parents are coming, and those of you that know my mom know that her house is spotless 24/7, so whenever she's coming I have to make sure my house is clean. I scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees. I cleaned stuff I never usually clean. It does feel pretty good to have a nice, clean house. If only it would stay that way...

So yesterday Miles said we were going to go out for dinner for my birthday. We were getting ready to leave and just as I was walking out the door, Cara B (Dan's girlfriend) showed up. She said she was "just in the neighborhood." Miles had actually called her earlier in the week to babysit. He took me to Mona Lisa's, and we had an excellent meal. I had chicken with a raspberry-chipotle glaze. It was awesome.

My birthday is tomorrow. 29. One more year until I am officially an adult. Teehee, as if I'm not an adult now. I feel like 30 is definitely the age, though, where you cannot claim immaturity any longer.

Be patient if I don't post too much this week. We have a busy week coming up. I'll see some of you on Saturday!


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