Welcome to the real world.....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Okay, he gave me a shout out on his blog, so I'll reciprocate the favor. Everyone say hi to Dustin Dopps. Dustin and I went to high school together and were neighbors. He and Miles really bonded at my 10 year reunion last September...I think they may have been separated at birth.

Going to my reunion was an...interesting experience. In high school, I wasn't what anyone would call popular. I was in a lot of honors classes, so I guess I could have been classified as a brain. I was also fairly quiet, and lived in an upper class neighborhood, so that meant a lot of people thought I was a rich, stuck up b*tch. I never thought of myself that way of course. There was one girl in particular who just didn't like me. I have no idea what I ever did to her, but she always wanted to kick my a**.

Anyway, when I went to the reunion I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew who I was, 10 years later, but the thought of being back in the room with some of these people brought back a lot of feelings of insecurity. A few of these people made my life miserable between the ages of 10-13. That changed after being there for about 30 minutes. I talked to people who would have never talked to me in high school. I actually enjoyed myself quite a bit. It made me realize that I wasn't the only one who had changed.

And people should change in 10 years. You should constantly grow and change as a person. The person who you are today does not reflect on who you were 10 years ago and who you will be 10 years from now.

Oh, and the aforementioned girl who hated me? Apparently she hasn't grown in 10 years. When she walked though the door, I said to her, "Hi, how are you?" She looks at me, gets a really crappy look on her face...and walks away. I guess some people choose to remain in high school indefinitely.


  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Good job Tiffy! I'm scared for my first reunion too, although I've ran into people that used to be jerks and they're already starting to come around. Although, part of me wants to be an ass to them just to show them what it's like.

  • At 5:31 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    I'm glad you didn't try to talk to ME at the reunion. I would have thrown my drink in your fac...

    Oh! You're that chick I beat at arm wrestling! I made you fall on your butt!



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