Welcome to the real world.....

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wow. A lot of things have been going on lately. That's why I haven't posted lately.

For starters, the crazy girl at work has really been bothering me lately. She told another co-worker that I was mean to her. I have never been intentionally mean, but I have been short on occasion, because I just can't deal with stupidity. Because this girl and the office manager are smoking buddies, I had to deal with this before she went and told the boss. So I sat this girl down and asked her to give me specific examples of how I was mean to her. She really only could come up with one. I told her while I didn't think our personalities mesh well, we need to learn to work together. We're both adults and should be able to act that way.

Also, we are trying to get ready for Emily's birthday party next weekend. We have to clean our entire house this weekend as my parents will be coming up and the house must be CLEAN. Miles's job is to clean out the garage, which I don't think he's done since this time last year.

And of course, we have been hitting the gym hard. Miles has lost over 50 lbs. I am down 32. It sucks that it's always easier for men to lose weight. But we are both working hard so any loss is a good one.

And on a crappy note, my dad received his layoff notice today. I'm sure everything will work out fine, it just sucks that he's worked at the same place for nearly 40 years and he gets a layoff notice. Makes you feel like hard work and dedication don't really count as much as you thought.

On a good note, though, we are probably going to Vegas in September for the Knights of Columbus national softball tournament. We haven't been to Vegas in 6 years, so we are really excited to have the opportunity to go back! Viva Las Vegas baby!


  • At 7:45 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    Sweet! I wish I could afford to go to Vegas with my wife... One day...

    I hope your parents are okay after the lay-off. That sucks.

  • At 10:19 AM, Blogger Tiff said…

    Thanks for the kind thoughts, Taco. It just sucks because my mom got laid off too. She was able to find another job within the company that sucks and is supposedly temporary.

    They'll be okay, though. My parents have always perservered.

  • At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well I am sorry to hear about your dad. Take solace in knowing you are not the only one with parental misfortune. About six months ago my mom got fired from her job of 20 something years. She was approaching retirement and it was clear she was dismissed for that reason. She negotiated with them for a nice severance package but it still was no fair considering she was denied all her retirement benefits she rightly deserved.


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