Welcome to the real world.....

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Okay, I am completely out of touch with technology. Miles got me a new cell phone for my birthday. I got it on Monday. I am just now figuring it out.

So last night I am watching this new show on the A & E network called "King of Cars." The show is filmed at the #1 car dealership in Nevada. This former rapper owns the dealership. This show intrigued me for many reasons.

First, the wheeling and dealing that goes on in car dealerships never ceases to amaze me. One younger couple came in with a 13 year old car that they owed $6000 on. They wanted to trade it in and get 2 cars. I didn't even know you could do that. In the end, the deal didn't work, but the poor salesman tried all day to make the deal.

Second, I realized that there is not one woman working at this dealership. There was so much testosterone floating around in this place one could drown in it. I think it might serve this dealership well to have a female presence. I know if I were walking into this dealership, I would feel extremely intimidated by the fact that no women were working there. I might even be inclined to take my business elsewhere.

Of course, the show sucked me in, like most reality television. Even though it's just dudes selling cars, something made me want to watch it. And watch it again, just to see what happens. Maybe it's the voyeuristic nature inside all of us.

Maybe I'm just bored and need to find a hobby, eh?


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