Welcome to the real world.....

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Welcome back my loyal readers. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been rather busy.

Since Friday was Cinco De Mayo, the girls in the office and I decided to celebrate by ordering Mexican food. I had fajitas. After work, I went and worked out. About 7:30 I started feeling what I thought was heartburn. So I took some Pepto and Rolaids.

3 hours later the Pepto and Rolaids had not started working. This was serious pain. I called the Ask a Nurse line. They told me to go to the emergency room, as they didn't think what was happening was heartburn.

So....at 10:30 at night off to the emergency room we go, with Emily in tow. They sure get you in fast when you tell them you are having chest pains. As it turns out, I have a viral infection in my chest. Not heartburn after all. I did get two doses of morphine and a muscle relaxer. They also gave me a prescription for the lovely Vicodin. When we finally got home at 2 a.m., I slept very, very well.

I still have tightness in my chest, but otherwise I think I am okay. Emily was so sweet the whole time we were in the emergency room. She would come up to me and kiss me on the hand or pat me and tell me everything was going to be okay. Kids are the greatest, aren't they?


  • At 9:56 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    Are you sure you don't have an alien in your chest that's about to burst out?

    I heard Miles finds that sort of thing sexy, as long as he gets to wear leather chaps...

  • At 8:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Yeah, I saw something like that happen on Spaceballs. Congratulations for supressing the alien, but it's just going to try to get out again.

    Seriously though, I didn't hear anything about this! I hope you are feeling better and enjoying your drugs.

    Emily is such a sweetheart. A lot of kids would probably freak out in a situation like that!


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