Welcome to the real world.....

Thursday, June 29, 2006

So a friend of mine also has a blog. He posted recently about his dad wanting to pay for their car that had broken down. He asked his readers whether or not taking the money was a good idea.

I myself have been in that situation. Even though I am grown, my parents still want to help us out occasionally. I know that it makes them feel good that they are helping us, even though we do fine on our own. They also send Emily clothes quite often. In fact, we received a box of clothes just yesterday. I appreciate their generosity so much. No, they don't have to do it, they do it because they want to and it makes them feel good to help us out.

A gal at work does the same for her kids. She buys her grandson clothes and buys her son and his girlfriend food occasionally. Her feeling is that she and her husband are in a position where they can help their kids, and it's something they want to do.

My boss just paid for his entire family to take a trip to Hawaii. Now, all three of his daughters have great jobs and make plenty of money. His son in law works with us at the oxygen company, and he makes good money as well. They could all afford to buy their own plane tickets, but it makes him proud that he's been so successful and is able to do things like that.

I only hope that when Emily is grown we are in a similar position. I want to be able to help her out if she wants the help.


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