Welcome to the real world.....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Okay, okay, I'm still alive.

I haven't felt much like posting anything lately. I've been just kind of laying low. In fact, I took a couple of days off work to just hang out with myself and recharge my batteries.

Work has been stressful once again. I swear, I have never met people more opposed to change. I really like my job, but sometimes I feel like at my work we are all one big disfunctional family, which means sometimes we say stuff to each other that other people wouldn't normally say. One of the ladies at my work has been more stressed than the rest of us, and she nearly bit my head off the other day. I said "Look, I'm not the source of your stress. I feel for you, but don't take it out on me." Of course, this woman is the anal-rententive type. Everything has to be perfect, and that's part of the reason she is under so much stress. I really think if she would just let it go and relax a little, everything else would follow.

Also, last weekend Miles and I were without the Nut, so we went out two nights in a row. Man, I cannot do that anymore. I was soooo tired. He loves going out and being at the bar scene. I enjoy socializing, but the bar scene just isn't my thing. I hate coming home smelling like smoke and alcohol. It gets in your hair and you get that weird ashy feeling to it. Ick. And I would have been fine to go out one night, but both just was too much.

Emily has been really cute lately as well, so I've been spending some time just hanging out with her. Usually she is kind of sassy with me but she's been really good lately. She and I are going swimming at the local pool on Saturday. It should be a g0od time.

Also, my dad is now retired. It's not exactly his choice. There were layoffs at his work and he got caught in the crossfire. So, he's retired about 9 months sooner than he planned on. The girls at my work said that he should think about getting a lawyer, since he was so close to retiring and he is 60. I really don't think it's about that, I think it's just an unfortunate situation. So he retired. It's a weird feeling for him, knowing that he doesn't have to get up and go to work. I know it would be weird for me. I'm hoping that next year once my mom retires, they will be able to travel here more. That would be ideal.

I'll try to keep up on the blog more. Who knows, one day maybe I'll even have something interesting to say.


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