Welcome to the real world.....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

So, we are getting things in order to buy a house. We have been going to open houses, checking homes for sale on the internet, all that. We are now at the steps of disputing info in our credit reports. People tell you that it is important to stay on top of this, but until you have to actually do it, you don't realize how much work it is going to be.

It's easier than it used to be. You can pretty much dispute your information online. It's just time consuming.

So the moral of the story is....kids, keep up on your credit report. As I have learned, good credit is everything in this country. Without good credit, you just can't do a whole lot.

Even though we are just getting started, I will be so glad when all this is over and we are finally in our own home.


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