Welcome to the real world.....

Saturday, June 24, 2006

So we have been pretty busy.

We have actually been pre-approved for a home loan. It really makes this whole process seem real. I feel like working hard to dispute inaccuracies on our credit reports paid off. It also makes it easier to know what we can afford. That way, we can avoid looking at homes that are out of our price range.

However, I think Miles is a little nervous about the whole thing. He says he wants to wait to actually purchase the home until the car is paid off in January. Yes, it's true, it would be easier as far as the payments go, but there is no guarantee on how long the car will last. It could break down tomorrow and we have to run out and buy a new car.

I guess I can see the fiscal sense in waiting, but part of me wants to go ahead and find something. I am sooo sick of renting and I am so ready mentally to own a home. I know it wouldn't be that long, and we would definitely reach our goal of owning before Emily's birthday, but I just feel like we've waited so long, and gone through a lot financially, and finally something good is happening. I think Miles just isn't sure how to react. No bank has ever said yes before, and I think he's not really sure what to do. I know that it will be a struggle, but I think that everyone goes through that initially when they buy a home.

Well, whenver we decide to buy, whether it is now or in January, I know that we will find the right home for us. Everyone keep your calendars free for the housewarming!


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