Welcome to the real world.....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

So we looked at a bunch of houses this weekend. We saw one that we really liked. It has 2 bedrooms, although there is plenty of space to add a third bedroom downstairs, as the downstairs is completely finished. If this house is still on the market when we are ready to make an offer, we are definitely putting in an offer on this house.

Today my aunt and uncle came up to visit us. She has been receiving treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, which is about 2 hours southwest of us. So they came up today and had lunch with us. After that, we visited the Leinie's Brewery. Miles and I have been on this tour before, but it's always fun. They give you two free samples of beer, which is always enjoyable. Today, though, there was an annoying kid on the tour with us. He was bothering the guide a lot. At one point in the tour, they show you glass jars of hops and barley. This kid was just standing in front of the display. The guide actually had to ask him to get out of the way so that everyone could see. But we still had fun on the tour.

I always enjoy when family comes to visit. So far, my parents have only been up here a few times. Loyal readers, you all are always welcome at our home. We'll take you on a brewery tour too!


  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    Will you pay for us to fly out there? I can't afford four plane tickets ANYwhere.

  • At 1:33 PM, Blogger Tiff said…

    If by pay do you mean beg someone for the money? Buying a house we are poor as crap right now. I can send you some beer, though.

  • At 9:54 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    Ship some beer to my house. Thanks!



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