Welcome to the real world.....

Monday, August 07, 2006

Tonight's topic.....Sex and the City.

I am talking about the actual show. For those of you who don't know, Sex and the City is one of my favorite shows. It reminds me of when I used to go out with my girlfriends on a regular basis. Yes, women really do talk like that. I know that some people find the show a little vulgar or racy, but I like it.

I always considered myself more of a Charlotte. She was always very proper and put together. She had her hang ups, but she could be a ball of fire. She was a little sparkplug. I'd love to actually look like her and have her great Park Avenue apartment, but that's probably never going to happen.

What I liked most about the show was seeing the camraderie between the 4 women. In Kansas, I used to have a group of girls that I would get together with on a semi-regular basis. I really don't have that here, and it makes me a little sad. Sure, I love spending time with my family, but every once in a while I need some girl time!


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