Welcome to the real world.....

Saturday, July 29, 2006

So today is the 25th anniversary of the wedding of Charles and Diana. In a way, it's kind of fun to look back. Right now I am watching news coverage from the day. It's fun to see all the hope and celebration that went on that day with the English people.

However, being that we know the story doesn't have a happy ending, why are we still, after all this time, so wrapped up in the story of Princess Di? From all the coverage I've ever read, she wasn't happy at all. She had a husband who never really wanted to marry her in the first place, she was anorexic, she couldn't go anywhere without being photographed, and she died a tragic death. Doesn't sound like the greatest story to me.

Now, I know she was a great humanitarian and supported a lot of causes, but what is the pull with this one woman? She died almost 9 years ago and she's still on the covers of many magazines. Surely there is someone alive who has participated in the same kinds of humanitarian causes that deserves as much attention as Diana has received. Yes, Diana did some great things while she was alive, but after so much time, I think it's time to move on. I'm not sure that will ever happen, though.

Well, enough of my incoherent ramblings. Do you think that's it's time to just let Diana rest in peace? Or do you still mourn her, 9 years later?


  • At 9:36 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    I don't care even a little bit about Princess Di. Never did.

    She was a token figurehead living in another country, and thus had no impact on my life.


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