Welcome to the real world.....

Thursday, August 10, 2006

So a friend of mine recently posted on his blog about how if you work hard enough and apply yourself, you can get ahead in America. Some people think this is unfair, that they should just be given things that others work hard to achieve.

When my dad was younger, he came from nothing. He worked hard all his life and made a pretty good life for himself. He is a classic example of how if you work hard enough, you really can achieve the things you want, but you have to be willing to apply yourself.

Some people at work have a different view. They think that it's a "rich world," and that if you're not rich, you're not given the same opportunity that wealthier people are. To me, this is simply not true. Even if you're not born into wealth, you can work hard and apply yourself and you too will come out ahead. If someone just gives you something, you're not going to appreciate it the same as if you worked really hard for it.

And everyone in America has the same chance to suceed. It's just whether or not you take that chance and run with it, or if you sit on your butt and complain about your lot in life. If you choose to sit on your butt, nothing will ever happen for you.

If you, however, choose to make the most out of your opportunity for success, you will be rewarded. Maybe not monetarily, but with the satisfaction of knowing that you achieved somehting all on your own.


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