Welcome to the real world.....

Saturday, August 12, 2006

So Miles is out of town this weekend at a golf tournament, and he took Emily with him to spend the night at Grandma's house. So I took myself to a movie.

I saw "World Trade Center." For those of you looking for a happy go lucky time at the movies, this is not the flick you want to see. But if you are looking for a poignant, moving film, definitely go.

When I heard Oliver Stone was directing this movie, I immediately assumed there was going to some sort of political agenda. Boy, was I wrong. What Oliver Stone has done is told an extremely moving tale about 2 Port Authority Police Officers trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center. When the movie depicts the first tower falling, you actually feel as if you were there. I guess when I've always thought about the buildings coming down, I never really imagined what it must have been like to be in the building. I felt frightened and claustrophobic all at the same time.

For a little while after the movie was over, I felt the same way I felt on 9/11. Kind of numb, not really sure what was going on. Some people have said it's too soon to be making movies about 9/11. After seeing "World Trade Center," I don't think it's too soon. I think that we've gotten a little non-chalant about that day. We need movies like this to help us remember what happened that day and how we were able to pull through. We need to remember how we all came together in the aftermath, how we were a united front.

All in all, I really think that although it wasn't the best time I've ever had at the movies, it was definitely 2 of the most well-spent hours I've ever had there.


  • At 10:21 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    Ugh. I don't think this would be my kind of movie.

    I don't like leaving a theater feeling all numb and depressed... That's why I didn't watch "The Passion of the Christ" either.........


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