Welcome to the real world.....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Not much to say tonight. I've been kind of down in the dumps today. I want to go and see my parents for Labor Day, but I know I need to be saving my vacation time for when we move. And Miles said something today that bothered me.

I told him that I was going to be training my co-worker how to do part of my job while I was gone. He knows that she is kind of buddies with the office manager. He says...

"She's taking your job, you're getting fired!"

Now before he said that the thought had never entered my mind. I think I do pretty well at work. I revamped their collections process and I always makie sure payments are entered into the system in a timely fashion, within 2 days of when they arrived at our office.

But his comment made me feel like I shouldn't be taking any time off at all, like I should be staying at work to protect my job. I'm sure there is nothing to be worried about, but I needed support, not a crappy comment.

Anyone else ever have days like this?


  • At 8:14 PM, Blogger TacoDave said…

    I wouldn't worry about it. Most jobs aren't willing to get rid of people for dumb stuff like that... They would have to pay unemployment and such.

    I would take the time when you need it and don't look back.


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