Welcome to the real world.....

Friday, November 03, 2006

So last week I went to a wedding. Not really an unusual occurence, however, this particular wedding was quite interesting compared to the weddings I usually attend, and was a stark contrast to the wedding we attended only the week before.

Wedding #1 was my boss's daughter's wedding. The reception was held at the fanciest hotel in town. The invitation instructed us to select our dinner choice. When we got to the reception, there was an envelope with our name on it. This envelope included a colored leaf indicating our dinner choice as well as some "instructions" on the evening. Waiters in white gloves served us our meal, there was wine at each table as well as a lovely centerpiece which I took home at the end of the evening. If I had to guess, I would say the total cost of the wedding was close to $50,000.

Wedding #2 was Miles's high school friend. This wedding was at a church, with a dinner immediately following. The reception was held in the poleshed on the family farm. There was a buffet set up which people ate all through the night. The beer was being served out of a beer trailer, which if you've never seen that means it's a big trailer that holds a lot of kegs. The tapper is on the side of the trailer. There were a ton of people there. I wore a pair of casual khaki pants, although I could have worn my pajama pants and nobody would have noticed or cared. The second wedding was much more relaxed and really was a lot of fun. I would say they probably spent $3500 on the entire day.

People say that weddings are so expensive these days. Are they expensive because we have convinced ourselves that we have to have certain things on "the big day?" Whether you spend $100 or $100,000, the end result is still the same. And spending a lot of money does not guarantee the marriage will last. The statistics show that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce.

I guess the point to this rant is just that you don't have to spend a lot of money to have a fantastic time. Put your priorities and your effort into the marriage. A wedding is a day, a marriage is a lifetime.


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