Welcome to the real world.....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Okay, I am back!!!

We are pretty well settled into the new house. We are loving it already. I looove having a dishwasher again. It makes it so easy to just put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and forget about them. And we love the hardwood floors. Em spilled chocolate milk last night and it was so easy to just wipe it up and not have to get the carpet cleaner out.

I only wish the bathroom was a little bigger, but we do have 2 bathrooms now, so I can go downstairs if I don't have enough space.

The move went pretty well. Nothing really got broken. Painting went good also, although next time I think I would hire painters. Not that it's hard, but it's just time consuming, and I'm not the best detail painter there. We still have some touch-ups to do before our housewarming party.

Em really likes having all her toys in her new room. In our duplex, she had to have her kitchen downstairs. It is now in her room and she loves cooking for all of her stuffed animals. She also loves the fact that her room is pink. It looks a little like a bottle of Pepto exploded in there, but it's cute and she loves it.

Look for more regular postings now that our life is not all chaotic and twirly. Also, make sure everyone is watching the World Series. One of my high school classmates, Nate Robertson, pitches for the Detroit Tigers, who are playing the Cardinals in the Series right now. Although Detroit is down 1 game to 2, I am confident they will pull it out.


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