Welcome to the real world.....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Heat sucks.

In Wisconsin, we wait through the cold all winter just to get a little bit of warm weather. Then it hits like a ton of bricks. Today it was 81 degrees at 10:30 am. It is only supposed to get down to 73 tonight. In fact, I skipped a party today and spending the night at the in laws tonight because of that. I need my air conditioning on nights like this. I just cannot sleep when I am hot.

No pun intended, but I took a lot of heat for skipping the party today. Frankly, I just didn't feel like going. I have been to family parties for 2 weeks now, and the next two weekends are filled with graduation parties. I really just wanted to stay at home, clean my house, and just do a lot of nothing. Maybe it's a product of being an only child, but I really don't mind being alone sometimes. Miles, on the other hand, is the consummate social butterfly. He loves to be around a ton of people. I'm happy being alone, or with just a couple of close friends. I don't feel the need to be around a ton of people all the time.

And I don't think there is anything wrong with that. :)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

So, we are getting things in order to buy a house. We have been going to open houses, checking homes for sale on the internet, all that. We are now at the steps of disputing info in our credit reports. People tell you that it is important to stay on top of this, but until you have to actually do it, you don't realize how much work it is going to be.

It's easier than it used to be. You can pretty much dispute your information online. It's just time consuming.

So the moral of the story is....kids, keep up on your credit report. As I have learned, good credit is everything in this country. Without good credit, you just can't do a whole lot.

Even though we are just getting started, I will be so glad when all this is over and we are finally in our own home.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Today was a fun day.

In the morning, Miles and I went to look at some open houses. We are trying to get an idea of what types of homes are in our price range, and what we are looking for. We are finding some real possibilities. We are also finding that whatever we buy will probably take some work. It's not something we mind doing, we just don't want to have to start from scratch. We are just excited by the fact that within a year, we will own a home. It is something we have waited so long for, it's unreal to think it is so near. We know we won't be buying a brand new home, we just want something to call our own, something we can put our own stamp on.

After that was done, Emily and I went to the 4th annual Knoebel Crabfest. Miles's cousin, Jay, hosts the event every year at his house. He gets the big turkey fryers and fills them with water. Everyone brings their own crab legs and you just dig in! My mother in law, her sister and family, and myself went in on some good quality crab. I definitely ate my money's worth.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The best thing ever happened at work today...

My boss has been looking for a file for about a week. He had asked Crazy to look for it. She said that she did, and that it wasn't on her desk. Actually, to quote what she said...

"I looked for it, and it's not on my desk. I don't have it. I SWEAR!"

So the boss says okay and walks away. So Crazy starts to look on her desk. Guess what she finds. Her face gets white and she says "Oh shit. I don't even want to go in there and tell him I found it."

I look at her and say "You made your bed, now you have to lie in it."

It was sweet, sweet revenge. Just goes to show you you don't sass off to the boss and think it won't come back to bite you in the ass.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Welcome back my loyal readers. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been rather busy.

Since Friday was Cinco De Mayo, the girls in the office and I decided to celebrate by ordering Mexican food. I had fajitas. After work, I went and worked out. About 7:30 I started feeling what I thought was heartburn. So I took some Pepto and Rolaids.

3 hours later the Pepto and Rolaids had not started working. This was serious pain. I called the Ask a Nurse line. They told me to go to the emergency room, as they didn't think what was happening was heartburn.

So....at 10:30 at night off to the emergency room we go, with Emily in tow. They sure get you in fast when you tell them you are having chest pains. As it turns out, I have a viral infection in my chest. Not heartburn after all. I did get two doses of morphine and a muscle relaxer. They also gave me a prescription for the lovely Vicodin. When we finally got home at 2 a.m., I slept very, very well.

I still have tightness in my chest, but otherwise I think I am okay. Emily was so sweet the whole time we were in the emergency room. She would come up to me and kiss me on the hand or pat me and tell me everything was going to be okay. Kids are the greatest, aren't they?